Posts tagged coaching
Imagining The Beauty For Which We're Being Prepared

It can be overwhelming to wait for clarity to come in times of suffering. Like silt mixed up into clear waters, no effort can speed the settling of obscuring factors. Gravity has to do its slow work and stillness is required. The poet Pádraig Ó Tuama suggests that in times of difficulty, “small narrative rafts” can carry us, allowing us to breathe, get our bearing, and stay alive.

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Encountering the Deeply Disturbing: Loving Kindness and Transformative Learning

I was listening this morning to a man sitting near me in a coffee shop. To be clear, I didn’t want to listen to him – he was just so loud that it was impossible to tune him out. He was clearly someone who had an above average understanding of the political, economic, and environmental forces that were currently shaping our world. He spoke with great authority as his two table-mates listened with what appeared as a mix of skepticism and awe.

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Finding Center In The Midst Of Chaos

It was a full-blown mess. A bona fide shit-show. And she knew the bottom could fall out at any moment. She had been hired under less-than-honest circumstances, having significant financial problems hidden by her new employers during the interview process. Now, she couldn't sleep, felt like she had no allies, no good options, and a mission she deeply cared for that was in danger of being abandoned.

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6 Ways A Leadership Coach Can Amplify Your Work

Our biggest challenges in community leadership require thought partners. Unfortunately, our hero culture encourages us to go it alone in leadership. A Leadership Coach walks with nonprofit leaders, community organizers, faith leaders, and people working for social transformation on a journey of growth in confidence, capacity, and integrity. Here are 6 ways

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